Instructor Update – Blaise

The most important man on the mountain

Whether it’s your first time on the mountain or you’re a seasoned veteran take off nerves are a part of the game, Blaise will be there with you to ensure the launch experience is as stress free and safe as possible. With over many years of experience on launch he knows the weather conditions to make sure you’re in the right place at the right time.

What brought you to Paragliding?

I saw a picture of a paraglider in New Zealand when I was 10 years old (1990) and promised myself I would learn one day. When I had finished windsurfing, started a business and had a family I decided I could wait no longer so I bought myself a course for my 30th birthday.

This Years Goals?

I have never set flying goals it has evolved more than anything; BUT I want to beat my great friend Fanny after she beat me in an ACRO comp last year. Also I will compete in the British Open Paramotor Championships and may qualify for the World Championships.

Favorite places?

I love being in Europe especial at the BGD office in the South of France. But anywhere with friends is great. To Barcelona for the Americas Cup and of course back in Turkey in October

When not paragliding what will you do?

Nintendo Switch Golf is a serious affair with the RISE Team! Working on my garden and making things from wood and spending time with Family. I’m the Sales Manager for BGD so that keeps me busy!

One piece of advice for the year ahead

Believe and invest in yourself I got the job with RISE because I booked a paragliding training course, you can always get better no matter who you are: as a person or as a pilot.